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North to Alaska

Denali, Tufted Puffin and Sea Otters ©Ron Clark

North To Alaska with Ron Clark

Thursday, March 6th | 7:15 PM | Tyvola Senior Center
Presenter: Ron Clark, Bird Guide Extraordinaire

With all this cold weather we have had, we thought we’d spend some time learning about where it’s coming from and the birds and animals that prefer it to our hot, humid summers. Over the past 25 years, Ron Clark, one of our intrepid local bird walk leaders, has been north to Alaska 17 times. Twelve of them leading groups of birders from the Carolinas. That’s almost 7 months total. During that time, he has seen 198 species of birds plus musk oxen, whales, foxes, moose and more. Ron will entertain us with information about the birds, land & sea mammals, scenery, and fun facts.

Ron Clark

So, put on your mukluks and join us Thursday, March 6th at the Tyvola Senior Center (2225 Tyvola Rd.). Refreshments will begin around 6:45 PM with the program starting at 7:15 PM. The program also will be Zoomed. Members will receive the Zoom link on Wednesday, March 5th. If you are not a member and would like to join us via Zoom, contact Judy Walker ( for the link.

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